Wednesday 3 September 2014


Arab Saudi – Satu pelan kontroversi telah muncul di Arab Saudi untuk merobohkan Makam Nabi Muhammad S.A.W dan memindahkan jasad baginda ke kubur tanpa nama.

Sebuah kajian akademik terkemuka Arab mengemukakan cadangan itu sebagai sebahagian daripada dokumen perundingan yang telah diedarkan di kalangan penyelia Masjid Nabawi, Madinah, di mana terletaknya makam Nabi yang dikunjungi berjuta-juta jemaah haji dan dianggap sebagai tapak kedua paling suci bagi umat Islam, lapor The Independent.

Berdasarkan dokumen 61 muka surat, jasad Nabi Muhammad boleh dipindahkan ke tanah perkuburan berdekatan al-Baqi untuk dikebumikan tanpa nama.

Beberapa halaman dokumen perundingan yang baru sahaja diterbitkan menggesa kemusnahan bilik sekitar kubur – yang digunakan oleh ahli-ahli keluarga Nabi.

Pengarah Yayasan Penyelidikan Warisan Islam, Dr. Irfan al-Alawi melahirkan rasa kesal dengan cadangan tersebut.

“Makam Rasulullah akan menjadi tanpa nama.

“Semuanya di sekitar masjid Nabi telah dimusnahkan. Ia dikelilingi oleh jentolak.

“Apabila sekeliling itu mereka musnahkan, barulah mereka boleh bergerak ke arah masjid,” kata Dr. Irfan.

Malah, Dr. Irfan menjangkakan seluruh dunia Islam akan bangkit menyatakan kemarahan berhubung isu ini.

“Saya pasti seluruh dunia Islam akan terkejut terhadap perkara ini dan ia akan menyebabkan kemarahan,” jelasnya.

Setakat ini, tidak ada cadangan diambil terhadap sebarang keputusan untuk bertindak atas pelan cadangan tersebut.

Berikut adalah laporan yang dikeluarkan oleh portal tersebut:
The Independent -
In order to expand the second holiest site of Muslims, Masjid an-Nabawi, Saudi Arabia is all set to demolish three of the world’s oldest mosques, including Prophet Mohammed (PBUH)’s tomb. According to media reports, construction work on the Masjid an-Nabawi in Madina, where the Prophet Mohammed is buried, is due to start next month. Under the proposed plans the site will be developed to include a mosque with a capacity for 1.6m worshippers. According to a report carried out by UK daily The Independent, the Saud government faced problem of accommodating an ever growing number of pilgrims to Makkah and Medina every year. In order to facilitate the pilgrims, the Saudi Arabian government has launched an ambitious expansion project of Masjid-e-Nabawi, which potentially includes razing of Riyad-al-Jannah (Garden of Paradise) and the graves of Holy Prophet (PBUH) and caliphs Hazrat Abu Bakar (RA) and Hazrat Umar (RA). Riyad-al-Jannah is believed to be a holy site, with Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) once having decreed that the area between his house and pulpit was one of the gardens (Rawdah) of Paradise. The multi-billion dollar plan further includes demolishing three of the world’s oldest mosques dedicated to the aforementioned Caliphs and Masjid Ghamama, built to mark the spot where the Prophet is believed to have given his first Eid prayers. It will not be the first time authorities have bulldozed historic sites in Makkah and Medina to make way for new developments. The Gulf state knocked down the Ottoman-era Ajyad Fortress and the hill it stood on to make way for the Jabal Omar complex and has also redeveloped the Prophet’s birthplace and the house of his first wife Khadijah. This plan has already received a lot of flak from Muslims around the world, including heritage campaigners, having already criticized the Kingdom’s disdain for preserving the historical and archaeological heritage of the country’s holiest city, Makkah. With a booming middle class in Muslim countries, both Makkah and Medina are struggling to cope with the 12 million pilgrims who visit each year – a number expected to grow to 17 million by 2025.

1 comment:

  1. Please do not disturb Maqam Rasulullah SAW and his sahabahs. Let the maqams be there forever. Thank you.
